OCG Documentation



OCG is written in C, you will therefore need to get a C compiler if you do not already have one. On a GNU/linux system, using gcc as a compiler, use the following commands:

tar xvzf OCG.tgz
cd OCG
gcc OCG.c -o OCG

You can then copy the program to a directory in your $PATH (eg /usr/bin/) or just run it from the current directory.


OCG [options] <graph_file>

Available options are as follows:

-m: Use (M)aximal Cliques as Initial Class System type

-e: Use (E)dges as Initial Class System type

-c: use (C)entered Cliques Initial Class System type (default). This option is followed by two possible values : (i) 0: requires a stop criterion (see -s and -n) (ii) 1: maximizing the partition modularity (default)

-s: Maximum allowed class (s)ize. Can take any integer value from 0 (default, no constraint) upwards

-n: Minimum (n)umber of expected classes (0 means no constraint)

-p: Set an output file to import partition in the Clust&See cytoscape (P)lugin. The name has to end by a '.cns' extension.

-v: (V)erbose, print a progress report and some other information to standard error.

Note: It is possible to use Centered Cliques with maximizing the modularity (-c 1, default) and add some constraints with -s and/or -n.

Using OCG is very simple. Once you have compiled, you can try it with the included graph file test.gr.

Graph file format

The graph file should be a simple text file with one edge per line eg:

node1    node2
node2    node3
node1    node3