CRISPR’it Core Facility and CRISPR Screen Action (from PACA region) co-organize the second edition of the meeting “CRISPR Screening in Cancer Discovery”
This event will take place at Institut Curie in Paris on Tuesday 24th of September 2024.
The meeting will bring together international leaders in the field who will present their latest findings on the use of these approaches in the discovery of new therapeutic avenues including immunotherapies, understanding the epigenetic mechanisms underlying tumor growth or the state of art of innovative screening approaches in 3D tumor models (eg organoids, in vivo, etc.).
You can find enclosed the preliminary program of this event and register by following this link.
Young researchers are invited to submit an abstract for poster and/or oral presentation.
Registration and abstract submission deadline is on July 30th 2024.
Best wishes,
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Aurélien Boré
Raphaël Margueron
Bernard Mari, IPMC
Julie Rivière
Sandrine Roulland
Salvatore Spicuglia
Michel Wassef
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