Scientific and administrative responsabilities
Member of the Biology Department Council (College B)
Member of the Laboratory Council
Research interests
Lydie Pradel is a molecular biologist who studies human genetic susceptibility to disease. Her research focuses on the mechanisms of deregulation of gene expression. After a PhD on the development of the protist pathogen Trypanosoma Brucei at the University of Bordeaux (2005). She joined the CIML (Centre dâImmunologie de Marseille- Luminy) to start the study of the host-pathogen relationship (2006-2008) with the analysis of the macrophage immune response after infection with Plasmodium berghei Anka and then focused on the process of gene deregulation in the development of T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (2008-2012). She obtained a permanent position as Associate Professor in 2012 at Aix Marseille University and joined the TAGC U1090.
Her main research topics are currently related to the understanding of transcriptional control mechanisms that induce gene (de)regulation in multifactorial diseases (sepsis, malaria and T-ALL). She is particularly interested in epigenomics and functional validation.
Key words: Immunology, inflammation, infection, sepsis, malaria, cancer, Massive Parallel Rapporter Assay, CRISPR/Cas9, genomics, molecular and cellular biology, regulatory region, SNPs
Aix Marseille Université campus Luminy, St Charles, WUT AMU Wuhan
Biologie Moléculaire, Génétique Moléculaire Eucaryote et Génomique
L1 Portail Louis Pasteur Luminy; L2 BC, SVT Luminy St Charles Wuhan; L3 BC, Biochimie Luminy; Polytech Ingénieur Génie Biologique (4eme année); M1 Immunologie Luminy; M1 BSG; M2 Biologie Santé Conseil en Génétique; M2 BSG GAD
Staff and students supervision
Lauren AGNELLI (2007-08, M1 Biologie des Eucaryotes), Jean-Mickael MAZZELLA (2008-09, M1 Développement-Immunologie), Sabrina BAAKLINI (2012-13, M1 BSG), SolÚne MONTREUIL (2014, Ecole Polytechnique Nice, 3eme année), Florian ROSIER (2014-15, M1 BSG, Alexandre ESPANA (2015-16, M1 Biologie-Santé), Marwa MATAHRI (2018-19, M1 BSG), Asma SOUIDI (2021-22, M1 Biologie-Santé), Chau PHAM NGOC (M1 BSG 2022-23), Ambre DODARD (M1 Biologie-Santé, 2023)
L. Costa (2007, M2 Développement et Immunologie), K. Ben Salah (2008, M2 Développement et Immunologie), Sabrina BAAKLINI (2013, M2 BSG), Alexandre ESPANA (2016, M2 Biologie Santé), Florian ROSIER (2015, M2 BSG), Marwa MATAHARI (2020, M2 BSG)
Ecole Doctorale Sciences de la Vie et de Santé, discipline Génomique et Bio-informatique
- Alexandre Espana (2016-2019): âCaractĂ©risation des enhancers dĂ©rĂ©gulĂ©s dans la leucĂ©mie aiguĂ« lymphoblastique de type Tâ â soutenue le 13/12/2019
- Florian Rosier (2015-2019): « Au-delĂ des Ă©tudes d'association Ă l'Ă©chelle du gĂ©nome : Ătude transcriptomique et identification des variants rĂ©gulateurs impliquĂ©s dans le dĂ©veloppement du sepsis » - soutenue le 20/12/2019
Nathalie Lalevée (C2VN, Marseille), Marc Léone (C2VN, Marseille)
Vahis Asnafi (Hopital Necker, Paris)
- APHM-AAP starter 2022 (2024-2026) , participant- responsable WP
- Programme transversal INSERM variabilité génomique(2019-2023), GenOmics variability in health and Diseases, participant
- AMIDEX "Emergence & Innovation" (2018-2021), participant
- Team label Ligue Contre le Cancer (2018-2022), participant
- ARC (2016-2017), participant
- Gefluc (2015), participant