The 31st congress of the Fédération France Greffes Cœur et/ou Poumon will be held on April 25 and 26. Hélléa Guerin will be giving an oral presentation at the congress.
31e congrès Fédération France Greffes Coeur et/ou Poumon

The 31st congress of the Fédération France Greffes Cœur et/ou Poumon will be held on April 25 and 26. Hélléa Guerin will be giving an oral presentation at the congress.
Title : "Prédisposition génétique au paludisme : Profils génomiques et transcriptionnels pour l’identification de variants régulateurs spécifiques de types cellulaires"
From February 3, 2025, we welcome 2 new CDDs to TAGC's TGML platform.
TAGC's new website goes live!
Thanks to the DIRNUM web division for setting up a KITLAB solution for research units.
The lab has is its own profile on BlueSky:
The video presentation of the Inserm Workshops is available on
Several researchers from the laboratory are taking part in these workshops.
Interview de Benoît Ballester, président du Comité Scientifique des Ateliers de l'INSERM (CSA)
Salvatore Spicuglia et la société ABD ont decroché un grant ANR- Labcom.
Bravo à Salvatore, Ismail et Mileidys.
Interview de Jacques van Helden pour les Ateliers INSERM