Our main missions
TAGC's Molecular and Cellular Biology Facility is responsible for:
- service activities: upkeep and maintenance of equipment, management of reagent and consumable stocks;
- training in the use of instruments and basic techniques in molecular and cellular biology, and skills transfer;
- technological development activities;
- experimental activities dedicated to TAGC research projects.
Techniques and technological approaches developed
- Extraction, quantitative and qualitative analysis of nucleic acids (RNA and DNA),
- molecular cloning,
- conventional PCR,
- qPCR (genotyping by allelic discrimination, mDNA and gDNA quantification),
- qRT-PCR (SybGreen or hydrolysis probe),
- Dual-luciferase reporter gene test,
- preparation of libraries for ChIP-seq,
- sample preparation for RNA-seq or scRAN-seq,
- CRISPR (KO, KI, interference or activation),
- MPRA (Massively Parallel Reporter Assay)
Sample quality analysis and quantification
Bioanalyzer 2100, Agilent
Nanodrop, nano-volume spectrophotometer
Qubit, fluorometer
Nivo Victor plate reader
qPCR instruments
6Flex, Applied Biosystems
QuantStudio3, Thermo Fisher Scientific
AriaMx, Agilent
imageur iBright CL750, Thermo Fisher Scientific
EVOS M3000 imaging system
Cell culture
NEON transfection system
COUNTESS cell counter
Precellys tissue grinder homogenizer
List of publications
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