Animal facilities

Different model organisms are studied in the lab depending on the topics approached.


The fly lab includes 1 observation and handling room equipped with microscopes combined with CO2 injectors. Incubators used for constant temperature experiments and rooms used for the maintenance of Drosophila collections are available.


The mouse animal facility PSEA (Animal Experimentation and Stabulation Plateform) is spreading out on 250 m2. The surface is divided in 4 A1+ Housing/experimentation areas and one A2 housing/experimentation area. This is a shared facility of the INSERM/TPR2 building.

Cell culture imaging and molecular biology


The imaging facility is equipped with an Axioplan2 (Zeiss) upright microscope with epifluorescence filters and a large range of objectives (from 5X to 63X). An Orca flash4 camera (Hamamatsu) allows high-speed, high-resolution video microscopy.

This acquisition set up is supplemented by a station devoted to movies analysis.

Cell culture

The Cell Culture Platform (PCC, a shared facility of the INSERM/TPR2 building) comprises four laboratories allowing the use and manipulation of organisms belonging to class 2 biohazard, and a satellite laboratory that houses equipment used in cell biology (electroporation units, cell counters, plate readers, fluorescence digital microscope, etc.).

Molecular biology

The lab is fully equipped with state of the art molecular biology devices, see the Molecular and Cellular Technical Facility page for more information.