
Since its creation TAGC has always been involved in promoting genomics to a large audience. In this regard, the TAGC offers a large panel of scientific courses, workshops, conferences and internships each year. TAGC Members are actively involved in education and propose various theoretical and practical courses related to molecular biology, genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, statistics and informatics. Attendees range from BSc, MSc, and PhD students to postdoctoral fellows and researchers.

MSc students

Regarding post-graduate program, TAGC is an early partner of the "Bioinformatique, Biologie Structurale and Génomique" Master (BBSG, Aix-Marseille Université) and several members of TAGC staff are strongly involved. Our scope is to always provide students with up-to-date training covering both the molecular biology aspects together with the dedicated bioinformatics and statistical methods. The staff is also part of various MSc programs dedicated to biology and bioinformatics as listed below :

  • Master BBSG (Bioinformatique, Biologie Structurale and Génomique)
  • Polytech Marseille,  engineer school
  • Master de Pathologie Humaine
  • Master de Développement et d'Immunologie

PhD program

Researchers at TAGC are supervising students from the "École doctorale des sciences de la vie et de la santé" (EDSVS). PhD students can benefit from a very exciting research environment encompassing state-of-the-art molecular technologies, high performance computing resources, reproducible research, cell-culture and animal facilities (...).


Through Lectures, conferences or workshops, TAGC provides theorical and  practical courses to PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and researchers. As an example, TAGC is involved in the “Ecole Bioinformatique de Roscoff”, a training program which aims at introducing sequencing technologies, bioinformatics and statistics to the biologists.

Education abroaD

TAGC members are involved in several University curriculum world-wide. We are offering trainings for post-graduate students in Lebanon (Saint-Joseph University), Burkina Faso, Brazil (Universidade de São Paulo, USP), Congo (Marien Ngouabi University), Algeria (Université Abou Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen ), Vietnam (Université des Sciences et des Technologies de Hanoï, USTH), and Mexico (Centro de Ciencias Genomicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, Cuernavaca).


Burkina Faso
