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Clust&See, a Cytoscape plugin for large network clustering


Large networks, such as protein-protein interaction networks, are extremely difficult to analyze as a whole. We developed Clust&See, a Cytoscape plug-in dedicated to the identification, visualization and analysis of clusters extracted from such networks.

Clust&See provides:

(i) the use of three different, recently developed graph clustering algorithms

(ii) the ability to visualize a partition as a quotient graph

(iii) tools for investigating the relationships between vertices and clusters as well as their organization within the whole graph.Clust&See is available on Cytoscape 2.8.


To install the plugin, click on the download link below and save ClustnSee.jar in the Cytoscape plugins folder or use the Cytoscape App Store.

Related publication : Spinelli L., Gambette P., Chapple C.E., Robisson B., Baudot A., Garreta H., Tichit L., Guénoche A. and Brun C. (2013) Clust&See: a Cytoscape plugin for the identification, visualization and manipulation of network clusters. BioSystems, doi 10.1016/j.biosystems.2013.05.010.

Documentation : Online documentation

Download :

Sources :

Cytoscape App Store: http://apps.cytoscape.org/apps/clustnsee